Tuesday, May 3, 2011

T-Minus 23 Days

I began writing a post a few weeks ago, but never posted it because I couldn't find enough time to finish it. That about sums up how things have been going as I come down the final stretch of the year. I'm desperately trying to make sure I pass all my classes so I can graduate without having to take anything later, but my gen eds have left me feeling like I dropped off of a cliff from the height of Systematic Theology to the low of World Civ, not exactly the best way to finish out my collegiate career as I find the classes to lack enough to keep my attention.

I've been working just about every day for the past two months and have probably gone on three or less bike rides in that time. The only saving grace is that I work at a huge restaurant where I'm walking for 3-5 hours a night which is enough workout to keep building up my leg muscles. Unfortunately it has also brought on a terrible eating habit as I go through a drive thru every night for a quick dinner after work so I can do a little homework and fall right to sleep most nights.

All this to say, I'm ready. Let's go! I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike. No more sitting around dreaming, it's time to go make a lasting memory.

And so it shall eventually be. Our first day of riding will be in just 23 days, barely 3 weeks. It has been over 11 years since I first googled "coast to coast bicycle trip" and found a passion for this crazy endeavor as soon as I first realized that people could (and actually do) this kind of thing. The reactions I get are across the board. Most think it's cool, others think it's ridiculous. Some think it is both, like my co-worker Donnie who told me that it didn't make any sense but then went on to talk to me about it all day and how much he wishes he could just drop his responsibilities and do it (and get his girlfriend to be okay with it). When I was 12 I wanted to do it right away to be maybe the youngest to do it, but 11 years later I no longer feel it is about that. I just want to prove to myself that I can do it, but even that element is somewhat lacking in my consciousness right now. I find that the real motivating factor for me is that I want to see this country and find myself in awe. Aside from riding along the coast of the Pacific, I have had few awe inspiring moments come as a result of the natural wonders of this world. Seeing it by bicycle should provide a means to this end with a slower pace of travel.

And now for the logistics. Jared and I will be driving to New York City a day or two early, probably May 24th. I still have to find someone gracious enough to drive me out there with two bikes but that will get figured out and if I have to I will take a bus. We decided as a group that New York was the perfect compromise. It lets us see a lot and start on the coast while still starting together. We'll depart from the city on the 26th and from there I will have until June 3rd to get as close to Bedford, OH as I can. One of my parents will come pick me up from there so I can be at my sister's graduation and grad party the next day. At that point the group will probably be close to Bedford so I will rejoin them and continue on the trip.

In other news, our thriftiest team member finally gave up on his old 1980's Nishiki 10 speed and purchased a Fuji Touring bicycle at virtually half it's retail price. We are all equipped for the road ahead and it's no longer as stressful as the final details and savings are falling in to place.

And so the wheels begin to spin...

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