Out of Edgemont we stopped at a gas station to buy batteries for my camera which had lasted all this time on two simple AA batteries. I figure I'm set for the rest of the trip now.
As for the ride, Wyoming is slightly different than South Dakota in that it has less grass but is just as ugly. Of course this is my own opinion and you may disagree. I might feel differently if I had driven through it but until you ride a bicycle through please try to reserve judgment. It takes me a week to go as far as you can go in a day so the same wide open scenery can be mind numbing over time.
On the way to Lusk I seriously underestimated the dryness of the climate as I sipped water all throughout the day. Unfortunately this water supply ran out and there was nothing along the route to refill. About 30 miles from Lusk I realized it would be a grind it out, suck it up kind of ride as my lips cracked and I struggled for air with each breath. I rode between one and three miles at a time and would take a break to catch my breath and attempt to flag down cars for water to no avail. Everyone was in a big hurry. I can't blame them as I've been this way all my life as well. I urge you to always stop if you see a loaded cyclist and ask if they need water or anything. It may take you 5 minutes or even a half hour to get to the nearest service but it could take a cyclist hours. Likewise, if you see an unloaded cyclist stopped on the side of the road, please always ask. They may just be taking a break but it means a lot to know you care.
Eventually I did reach Lusk and crawled to Subway for a $5 footlong and a powerade fountain drink that I made count. We then headed outside of town to a rest area where the cyclists we met in Edgemont told us they camped. I slept well this night needless to say.
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I thought you were in Idaho? Did I miss something?